Fr. Samuel J. Kalu, from the Catholic Diocese of Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria, West Africa will be visiting our parish June 3-4th. He has been “on loan” to the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana since 2009, working both as a Judge in the Tribunal office and as a Chaplain at the St. Anthony Health Center in Lafayette. MISSION DETAILS: The Diocese of Umuahia, a missionary diocese, was established in 1958 and continues to evangelize the people amidst the many challenges that prevail in that part of the world. The funds raised from this Appeal will go directly to the Diocese to help fund Catholic Schools, provide clean drinking water, to train and educate priests for the Church, and to provide a retirement home for priests. Some of your donations will also help to fund the Diocesan St. Vincent De Paul Center, which takes care of physically or mentally handicapped children, many of whom have no place to go. No amount is too small. Thank you for “HELPING THE FAITH GROW” in the Diocese of Umuahia.