Father Don will be gone to the C.PP.S. assembly and then on vacation beginning May 23rd. He will return for weekend Masses on June 4th. Rev. Rick Lewandowski will say Mass on May 28 & 29th. There will not be daily Mass at St. Augustine during Father’s absence. However, Father Gilbert will be saying Mass at St. Joe Chapel at 11:30am Monday through Saturday.
I am happy to announce that Mr. Bruce Schooler will become Principal of St. Augustine School In July. Mr. Schooler is currently the Principal of Aquinas School in the Gary Diocese. We had fifteen applications for the job. Five applicants were interviewed. My thanks to the search committee: Jack Drone, Kim Drone, Chris Mahnesmith, and Gwen Messman. Peace, FD
The Knights of Columbus Council 1881 is now taking applications for their annual scholarship. Any son, daughter, stepson or stepdaughter of a member in good standing, or a member in good standing, or a deceased member of the Knights of Columbus, Bishop Dwenger Council 1881 is eligible for this scholarship. The applicant must be: a current graduating senior; currently enrolled in a 2 or 4 year college/university; currently enrolled in a vocational school or currently enrolled in a college/university working on post bachelor’s degree. Applications may be found on the Council website at www.knights1881.org by clicking on Membership-Members-Scholarship Application. Applications for this year's awards are due by May 9.
A few years back, a group of St. Augustine Parishioners created a program to honor and reward our high school senior class servers that have continued to serve mass throughout their entire high school career. These awards are known as the Herman Nagel Server Awards in recognition of Herman Nagel who served at St. Augustine Parish his entire life. Our goal is to provide each recipient with a $500 award at the graduation mass. If you are interested in helping support this program, please contact Cheryl Hillan (866-3912), Marvin Nagel (394-2464) or Marty Park (863-1768). Your financial support is greatly appreciated.